Lucas is a special needs kitten that must wear a diaper because of neurological damage. He may have a broken tail or a damaged spine and has no bladder or bowel control. Despite this, he is energetic, sassy, and very happy to be alive!
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Lucas caught a kitten
Lucas helped me catch a very small, hungry, and scared kitten that was on my driveway when I went outside today! I was so shocked. Here are pictures and video. By the way, since Lucas is staying close and this area is very safe, I am going to see how he does outside so I know whether or not he can be an outdoor (but well cared for) cat in a safe area, or at one of the cat sanctuaries in Hawaii. If he shows any signs of urine scalding, I will bring him in and diaper him again. But this is something I need to figure out so I know what options I have for him. He would be happier without the diaper. He is on the porch sleeping right now. Okay, here is the kitten. CLICK FOR BIGGER VERSION.
This kitten looks remarkably similar to a kitten I caught on my porch on Friday. They must be siblings... who knew that kittens could teleport?!
The kitten is so precious! Lucas is surely a hero for sending this little one to you! I am so happy that he came home too. Life on the road is no life at all.
This kitten looks remarkably similar to a kitten I caught on my porch on Friday. They must be siblings... who knew that kittens could teleport?!
what a sweet baby! too bad they don't stay so small, says the mom of 2 cats: 15 lbs and 20 (!)lbs. the vet has put them on a "cat-kins" diet!
Awww, Lucas saved a little kittens life! I hope Lucas does well and sticks close. That baby is precious.
Even kittens know how to find the right people.
Yay, I'm so happy that Lucas is safe. And your sign is bright as ever. The kitten is a sweetheart. Hugs.
tooo cute
Oh what a sweet baby. Are you going to keep him?
What a good job Lucas!!!! And what a tiny little furball. He does look a lot like Leigh-Anns kitten.
The kitten is so precious! Lucas is surely a hero for sending this little one to you! I am so happy that he came home too. Life on the road is no life at all.
Lucas is GREAT!!
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